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Journey to Wholeness Breakfast

6th Annual Journey to Wholeness Breakfast Fundraiser

Presented by Vine Street Christian Church

Thursday, September 26, 2024

7:45 am - 8: 45 am Central

West End United Methodist Church, Nashville, TN

Support Therapy Clients

Make a difference in the life of someone seeking therapy. Your donation helps Insight Counseling Centers provide therapy to individuals, couples, and families on an income-based fee scale. Thank you for helping us remove the barrier of cost. Together, we’re connecting people in need with life-changing mental health services.

Thank you to our sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor

Vine Street Christian Church



Jared Porter


Lucy Carter
Lydia Cox
Diversity Health
Rise’ Hayes
Inman Industrial


Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford
B. C. Holdings of TN, LLC
James and Pam Brown
Nancy Crawford
E. Nash Associates
Dr. LeRoy and Mrs. Valora Gurganious
Darrell and Francine Lane
Mercedes Lytle
Stephen Mathews
Pinnacle Financial Services
Dr. Ellen Slicker

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