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5th Annual Journey to Wholeness

You're invited to our 5th annual Journey to Wholeness breakfast fundraiser on Thursday, September 14! The event will take place in McWhirter Hall at West End United Methodist Church, Nashville. Staff, board members, and therapists from Insight Counseling Centers will present an inside look at the work that your donations make possible -- plus, we'll hear a story of healing from someone who has directly benefited from therapy at Insight!

4th Annual Journey to Wholeness

Join us for our 4th annual Journey to Wholeness event! You're invited to breakfast on Thursday, September 29 from 7:45 am - 8:45 am in McWhirter Hall at West End United Methodist Church, Nashville. Staff, board members, and therapists from Insight Counseling Centers will present an inside look at the work that your donations make possible -- plus, we'll hear a story of healing from someone who has directly benefited from therapy at Insight.

Aging Matters: Opioids & Addiction

Adults over age 50 are one of the fastest-growing groups for substance misuse and abuse. NPT Reports Aging Matters: Opioids & Addiction explores how older adults and their families deal with the medical, social, and economic challenges of this public health threat. Insight Counseling Centers invites you to an online documentary screening on Thursday, September 2nd from 9:30 am – 10:30 am. An expert panel discussion with audience Q&A will immediately follow the screening.

Free Event: Companionship & Intimacy

We know loneliness can negatively impact our health, but what do we do about it? This NPT Reports: Aging Matters episode explores the benefits and challenges of developing relationships as we age. Insight Counseling Centers invites you to an online documentary screening on Thursday, May 13 from 9:30 am – 10:30 am. An expert panel discussion with audience Q&A will immediately follow the screening.

Save the Date: Journey to Wholeness on Oct. 8

Throughout this difficult year, Insight therapists have supported their clients through each unique challenge. Join us on October 8 for Journey to Wholeness – a free 30-minute online event to celebrate and support the clients and therapists of Insight Counseling Centers.
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