5th Annual Journey to Wholeness

A Breakfast Supporting Insight Counseling Centers
You’re invited to our 5th annual Journey to Wholeness breakfast fundraiser on Thursday, September 14! The event will take place in McWhirter Hall at West End United Methodist Church, Nashville. Staff, board members, and therapists from Insight Counseling Centers will present an inside look at the work that your donations make possible — plus, we’ll hear a story of healing from someone who has directly benefited from therapy at Insight! Check in is at 7:45 am, and breakfast is from 8:00 – 8:45 am. Complimentary parking is located in rear of the church.
There are two ways to participate: join us for breakfast in person or watch the live stream program online. The event is free to attend. Donations collected during the event help Insight Counseling Centers provide therapy for individuals, couples, and families on an income-based fee scale. If you don’t want to wait, you can make a donation today! Please register to either reserve your seat at breakfast or receive the live stream link.