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The Integration Podcast


psychology + spirituality + arts + society

The Integration Podcast is a 4-episode series discussing difficult but relevant topics, where issues of spirituality, psychology, the arts, and society all intersect.


Psychotherapy + Spirituality: Carol Smith, LMFT, and Dr. Dwight Hughes

Psychotherapy + Spirituality: Carol Smith, LMFT, and Dr. Dwight Hughes

What is spiritually-integrative therapy? Hannah (the newbie therapist) and Eric (the former pastor) interview two experienced therapists who dare to invite clients’ spiritual beliefs, values, and faith traditions into the therapy office.

Our Stories: How Spiritual Experiences + Relationships Shape Us

Our Stories: How Spiritual Experiences + Relationships Shape Us

Hannah (the newbie therapist) and Eric (the former pastor) share about their faith backgrounds and discuss the future of faith.

Psychotherapy for Latino Immigrant Communities: Dr. Adrianne McKeon

Clients who have immigrated to the United States face some unique challenges. Often, they are survivors of abuse, natural disasters, depression, anxiety, and immigration trauma. Using their clients’ own values, personal faith, and caring natures, bilingual therapists Hannah Feliciano and Dr. Adrianne McKeon create safe spaces for Latino immigrants to care for themselves and heal from trauma.

Millennials + Therapy

Millennials have been called the therapy generation. It’s undeniable that people in their 20s and 30s are a lot less hesitant to go to therapy and actually talk about it than their parents and grandparents have been. We have always known just how important our mental health is, but now more than ever, it is paramount to care for ourselves and our emotional well-being. In this episode, we explore how millennials are embracing their own mental health journey, some of the challenges they experience, as well as many of the proactive ways they are seeking to care for themselves.

podcast hosts

Hannah Feliciano - The Integration Podcast

Hannah Feliciano

Hannah Feliciano has always had a heart to serve others. She has spent years working with children, serving on mission trips, as well as working to help under-served populations. Hannah feels she is right where she needs to be, living out her calling as a counselor. Hannah has a passion for working with children, youth, families and couples to restore wholeness and balance. In her free time she loves to bake, hike, watch sappy movies and be creative.

Eric Schaefer - The Integration Podcast

Eric Schaefer

A transplant to Nashville from Southern California, Eric Schaefer received his Bachelor of Science from Florida State University in Communications and Master’s of Divinity from Columbia Seminary. He has worked as a principal at an inpatient adolescent psychiatric hospital, done family and youth ministry, and fundraising for nonprofit organizations. Eric has led over 60 mission and service trips throughout the world for youth and adults.

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