Insight’s Nashville & Administrative Office Relocates
We’re Moving!
Insight Counseling Centers was formed as the Pastoral Counseling & Consultation Centers of Tennessee in 1985 when a handful of visionary people from Vine Street Christian Church brought to fruition their dream of providing spiritually informed and psychologically sound counseling for the Nashville area. For 32 years, Vine Street Christian Church has housed our Nashville Center and administrative offices. The church has sold a portion of its property, which includes our office space, and will renovate the remaining property. Beginning July 26th, we will see Nashville clients out of interim office space at Brook Hollow Baptist Church and Seton Lodge at Saint Thomas West Hospital for a period of about two years, after which we will return to new space at Vine Street. We are grateful to Vine Street Christian Church for our ongoing partnership, and we look forward to continuing to serve clients in Nashville and beyond.
New Nashville Office Address
Brook Hollow Baptist Church, 678 Brook Hollow Rd., Nashville, TN 37205
We will have an additional counseling office located on the main bus line in Seton Lodge at Saint Thomas West Hospital: 199 St Thomas Drive, Nashville, TN 37205
New Organization Mailing Address
Please send all mail to:
Insight Counseling Centers
P.O. Box 50242
Nashville, TN 37205