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5th Annual Journey to Wholeness

You're invited to our 5th annual Journey to Wholeness breakfast fundraiser on Thursday, September 14! The event will take place in McWhirter Hall at West End United Methodist Church, Nashville. Staff, board members, and therapists from Insight Counseling Centers will present an inside look at the work that your donations make possible -- plus, we'll hear a story of healing from someone who has directly benefited from therapy at Insight!

Free Training: Exploring Mental Fitness

Did you know everyone has an inner judge? Even you? Each person’s judge is supported by sneaky Saboteurs. Join Insight Counseling Centers for this three-hour workshop and learn how to weaken your Saboteurs and strengthen your God-given inner Sage. You will learn the Positive Intelligence/Mental Fitness program’s five Sage “superpowers” and how to apply them to your everyday life.

4th Annual Journey to Wholeness

Join us for our 4th annual Journey to Wholeness event! You're invited to breakfast on Thursday, September 29 from 7:45 am - 8:45 am in McWhirter Hall at West End United Methodist Church, Nashville. Staff, board members, and therapists from Insight Counseling Centers will present an inside look at the work that your donations make possible -- plus, we'll hear a story of healing from someone who has directly benefited from therapy at Insight.
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