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BIPOC Mental Health Myth-busting

Written by Mental Health America In Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities, talking about mental health can be considered taboo. We'll uncover different “myths’’ that may exist in BIPOC communities about seeking mental health support and provide affirmations you can repeat to yourself to help you think positively about asking for help, even when you might hear messages saying the opposite. Myth #1: “Talking about my feelings and needing help is a sign of weakness.” It’s normal to…


Myths about Grief Dr. Dwight Hughes, therapist, does some myth-busting of the myths about grief. Watch the whole conversation: Grief, Loss, and the Holidays recorded webinar. Myths about Grief Transcript Well, I'm sure there are numerous myths. I'd like to bring our attention to five of them:  Grief is the same for everyone - Resoundingly not true. Some people cry, some run, literally or figuratively. Some laugh, some busy themselves. Not to mention the influence of one's cultural location and the impact…

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