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Ways to Support a Friend Experiencing Relationship Abuse

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Everyone deserves healthy relationships. We're joining the National Domestic Violence Hotline to promote healthy relationships and an understanding of what abuse is. This is a brief introductory article discussing a large and important topic, so we hope you'll seek out the additional resources linked at the bottom of this page. Reasons why people stay in abusive relationships They may not recognize that their partner's behaviors are unhealthy or abusive. They may fear the consequences…


Cassie’s Story We're so grateful to Cassie for sharing her powerful story of healing during Journey to Wholeness, a breakfast supporting Insight Counseling Centers, on September 14, 2023. Watch the video to hear her message about finding purpose in life after trauma.October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Advocates from the National Domestic Violence Hotline are here to listen without judgement and help you begin to address what’s going on in your relationship. Their services are always free and available 24/7. Get…

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