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Brandon’s Story When life presents you with multiple changes all at once, it can feel overwhelming. Brandon's wife suggested he talk to a counselor to process the stress and anxiety brought on by recent life changes, and a friend referred him to a therapist at Insight Counseling Centers. Brandon's Story Transcript  My name is Brandon Billings. I live in Nashville, TN. I grew up in central Illinois, and I moved to Nashville to come to Belmont University, and I liked Nashville…


What does success in therapy look like?

Untangling emotional reactions and getting unstuck by Carol Smith, LMFT A person came to me beginning to have so many emotional eruptions, getting angry too fast, or crying too fast, or having fear kind of overtake them at different points in their life: in the home, in the workplace. They just couldn't make sense out of why all this emotional dysregulation was happening in their life.  They began to unravel their story to me over time about how, where they…


What does success in therapy look like?

A new perspective that freed him from depression and negative thinking by Dr. Dwight Hughes, LMFT I'll pull from a recent story. This is a pastor who came about 8 weeks ago, and his presenting issue was depression. Of course, he wasn't sure that he was depressed; his wife sent him, and he came willingly. By the 8th session, he comes in, and not only does he come in, but he brings his wife along with him. I saw them…

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