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Counselors evaluate findings of mood wall projects

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - Late last month, nine "mood walls" showed up all over Nashville, each one with 1,000 buttons naming 21 different emotions. MORE An idea by Insight Counseling Centers, the project was an offer to Nashvillians to take one and literally wear their emotion. Counselors wanted to see what they could tell by which buttons were taken. They said all of them being taken is telling them something too. "We live in a culture that mostly values strength…


Nashville ‘Mood Walls’ Help People Wear Their Emotions

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - Insight Counseling Centers has placed nine “Mood Walls” around Nashville as part of a month-long mental health campaign called The Nashville Mood. Each wall has 1,000 buttons with 21 different emotions. “So the idea is, pedestrians walking by take a button off the wall that describes how they’re feeling and literally wear their emotions … to generate conversation around mental health,” said Taylor Cochran, development director of Insight Counseling Centers. “And just to have an open…


Wear Your Mood in May to Spark Conversation

If you wander by Art and Invention Gallery (1106 Woodland) in May, you might notice a new, large, wall installation. And unlike most (OK any) other displays you’ll see at the Gallery, you’re encouraged to run off with parts of this one. Folks from Nashville’s Insight Counseling Centers are creating “mood walls” in nine different local neighborhoods, including ours, made up of 1,000 pins printed with different emotions. If you’d like, you can snag a pin that suits you, and…


Mood Walls Encourage Nashvillians to Wear How They Feel

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – Several interactive mood walls have been set up across Nashville that offer buttons of emotions for anyone to take and wear. Whether you are hurt, grumpy, frustrated or excited, the idea is to wear the button and start a conversation. “It’s a very diverse group of emotions, both positive and negative,” Taylor Cochran with Insight Counseling Centers told News 2. Everybody feels, and he wants people to share their emotions. “The idea is to get people…

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