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Finding Gratitude in 2020

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of hearing and using the term “unprecedented times.” But really, how else can we describe 2020 using language appropriate for polite company? I recall this time last year when we were about to say “goodbye” to 2019. Businesses were gearing up with their “2020 Vision” themes, and many people were approaching the new decade with optimism. And then came March, which came in like a lion, but didn’t go out like a lamb.

How Gratitude Improves Mental Health

Gratitude is all about the expression of appreciation. We appreciate people, things, and experiences that we come across in our lives; and, as it turns out, this expression of gratitude can benefit us mentally, physically, and emotionally. Several studies over time have shown the benefits that come along with openly practicing gratitude. People who are grateful are happier, sleep better, and even live longer. We don’t practice gratitude because we live happy lives; we live happy lives because we practice gratitude.
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