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Free Webinar | Mental Health & HR: The Elephant in the Room

Tuesday, May 7 from 10:30 am - 11:30 am Central on Zoom It is estimated that more than 20% of the population will experience a mental health concern in any given year. It's reasonable to expect that this will affect the workplace. Yet supervisors often feel inadequate when a staff member discloses a mental/behavioral health issue. Insight Counseling Centers hosted an informative, one-hour webinar designed to support HR professionals, department directors, and CEOs in navigating employee mental health concerns while…


Grief, Loss, and the Holidays Insight Counseling Centers presents a therapist round-table discussion on grief, loss, and the holidays. Speakers: Carol Smith, LMFT, Dr. Dwight Hughes, LMFT, Jordan Malone, Meadow Alsobrook, LPC-MHSP(Temp) Grief Resources Therapist-Recommended Books A Decembered Grief: Living with loss while others are celebrating (1999 & 2011) by Harold Ivan Smith Seven Choices: Finding Daylight after Loss Shatters Your World (Neeld, E. H., 2003) The Empty Chair: Handling grief on holidays and special occasions (2001) by Susan J Zonnebelt-Smeenge & Robert C. DeVries…


Webinar Video: The Importance of Practicing Self-Care & Gratitude

Watch the webinar recording and learn how to maintain and improve your mental health using self-care and gratitude With 18% of Americans facing an anxiety disorder, and around 40% of Americans expressing anxiety about contracting the new coronavirus, now more than ever it is important to talk about ways to tend to our mental health. Sharing current research, practical tools, and personal anecdotes, Insight counselors Hannah Feliciano, MMFC/T, and Amanda Gibson, MA, illuminate how practicing self-care and gratitude maintains…

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